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Short-term staff training in Iceland

The 1st short-term staff training of the teachers was held in Gardabaer, Iceland, from 22 to 27 of October 2017. Participants from all the partner institutions gathered and explore the different fundamental concepts of sustainability education.

The activities included the acquaintance night hosted by the principal of Lundabol, Iceland, lectures and interactive programs was conducted on the second day, a field visit to the preschools in Iceland that practices sustainability programs was on the 3rd day, a road trip to the sustainable village and natural resources of the country on the 4th day. On the 5th day, participants did a workshop and team building activities. Finally, a farewell party and certificate distribution on the last day. 

1st Day

October  22, 2017

Participants had a small chat and got the chance to know each other. The informal conversation helped the ambiance of the group to become more opened and discussed one´s passion and understanding of the main goals and objectives of the EARTHWORM Project.

2nd Day

October  23, 2017

The 2nd of the training started early in the morning. Two versatile experts of Sustainability Education at the University of Iceland graced the occasion. Interactive lecture and activities were given during the program.

The following topics were specifically discussed:


 1. Sustainability Education, and concept of action competence


   2. Sustainability Education & Young Children


3rd Day

October  24, 2017

The participants started the school visits on the 3rd day. Among the preschools in Iceland, the participants visited Krakkakot which is located in the municipality of Gardabaer and Nordurberg, in the municipality of Hanarfjördur. The artworks of the children and the ambiance of the schools were easily noticed by the participants. The idea of sustainability and its importance were among the reflecting goals of those preschools. Lundaból being the host school also showcase the different work of arts of the kids.

4th Day

October  25, 2017

The fourth day started with a road trip of the participants to the sustainable community in Iceland called Sólheimar. The historical background of the community and how it withstand all the challenges were very inspiring for the participants to witnessed and heard. The "Golden Circle" in Iceland was also visited to give the participants the opportunity to see the wonder of Iceland and how it helps the countries economical sustainability.

5th Day

October  26, 2017

The workshop was the main focus of activity on the 5th day. Participants worked on the different pillars of sustainability education. The four pillars of sustainability; society, culture, economy, and environments were discussed further in the activity. Each participating countries presented their ideas on how those concepts can be discussed and connected to the lesson in the classroom.

6th Day

October  26, 2017

The last day of the mobility was spent on feedback and brainstorming discussion. Certificates were also distributed to the participants during the farewell party.

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